Determination of Plasma Salicylic Acid Levels to Assess Compliance to Acetylsalicylic Acid Therapy


  • Š. Alušík Department of Internal Medicine I., Thomayer University Hospital and Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education, Prague
  • V. Jedličková Department of Internal Medicine I., Thomayer University Hospital and Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education, Prague
  • Z. Paluch Department of Internal Medicine I., Thomayer University Hospital and Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education, Prague
  • M. Lejsková Department of Internal Medicine I., Thomayer University Hospital and Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education, Prague


The compliance of patients receiving long-term acetylsalicylic acid therapy was tested by determining plasma levels of salicylic acid by HPLC. The same determination was performed in a control group of untreated patients. Almost 20 % of the examined patients were not using the prescribed therapy.



Jak citovat

Alušík, Š., Jedličková, V., Paluch, Z., & Lejsková, M. (2010). Determination of Plasma Salicylic Acid Levels to Assess Compliance to Acetylsalicylic Acid Therapy. Chemické Listy, 104(8). Získáno z




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